Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Vocabulary Unit 3 Top 1 Standard English

Imperative (adj)
*  absolutely necessary or required; unavoidable:
n  It is imperative that we leave.
n  It is an imperative that we help defend friendly nations.
*   命令的,强制的,专横的

Spirited (adj)
*  having or showing mettle, courage, vigor, liveliness

u  She putn up a spirited defence of her government’s policies
*  精神饱满的,生气勃勃的,活泼的;勇敢的;猛烈的

Exhilaration (n)
*  the act of exhilarating
n  When he heard the good news, his mood turned into exhilaration.
n  The exhilaration she felt as the roller coaster rushed around the loop caused her to shriek with excitement.
*  高兴,兴奋

Enclosures (n)
*  the state of being enclosed.
n  The enclosure of public land meant that ordinary people couldn’t use it.
n  For the safety of all, the animals were placed in a large enclosure
*  包围,围绕;封入。
Enclosure Swimming Pool

Scrutinizing (v)
*  to examine in detail with careful or critical attention

n  The detective scrutinized the evidence of the murder
n  During any kind of subjective research you must scrutinize your sources.
*  细察;审查;彻查

*  involving an extremely important decision or result; critical
n  These negotiations are crucial to the future of our firm.
n  The scientists are making a crucial test in laboratory.
*  极紧要的;决定性的

Dyslexic (adj)
*  a person subject to or having dyslexia
n  The 11 years old boy has dyslexic.
n  It is unfair to him to enter the normal school because he has dyslexic.
*  阅读困难的

Fidgety (adj)
*  restless; impatient; uneasy

n  She seemed so jumpy and fidgety
n  When young children wait too long they will get fidgety and can’t sit still.
*  不安的,烦躁的,为小事而操心

Imparting (v)
*  to make known; tell; relate; disclose

n  The red curtains impart a certain elegance to the room
n  He had no any good news impart to us.
*  告诉,通知,传授
Unruly (adj)
*  not submissive or conforming to rule

n  The cowboy broke the unruly horse.
n  David who has bad patient is an unruly boy
*  不受拘束的;不守规矩的,横蛮的,任性的

Convinced (v) use with object
*  to persuade someone
n  We finally convinced them to have dinner with us.
n  I was convinced that he knew the truth
*  使信服
Implore (v)
*  to beg urgently or piteously

n  The prisoner implores the king for mercy
n  The beggar implore the people to give him some money.
*  恳求,乞求,哀求

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